Monday, July 28, 2008


One of my friends here at language school recently posted on Facebook that she is tired of goodbyes. I wholeheartedly agreed. The missionary life is full of goodbyes. Last week I said goodbye to one more group of beloved people. The students of the Bible school here, who I have lived with, eaten with, shared joys and heartaches with, and learned French from, have graduated and moved on to their respective homes. I already miss them dearly, but I pray that God will continue to hold them in His hands of love and continue to guide them in the ministry that He has for each one of them. One thing I have learned in the midst of all of these goodbyes is that God alone is truly faithful. He is the only true constant in my life that I can always, without fail, count on. When others, even with the best of intentions, let us down, God is there, with His arms of love and faithfulness held out to us.

After a long absence

Hi all, I am back at the blog after a long absence. You know, sometimes I just get stuck in the tyrany of the urgent and forget to do some things that are important. For curiosity sake, and to encourage me to write more, who is still reading this thing? Click on the comments link just below this message and write a word or two.