Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Well, I’ve finally arrived in Union Mills, North Carolina. It is so good to be here with other people that are also preparing for missions. Our first event was dinner this evening. Even though many of us didn’t know each other before we gathered in the cafeteria, I still felt like I was instant friends with many of them. I am in dorm-style housing with 3 other women. We all got together tonight to compare notes on our experiences so far. Everyone agreed that it is so encouraging to be able to talk to people who understand what we are going through. We are all in the midst of raising support and transitioning from full-time work to overseas missions. In short, the majority of us are unemployed and homeless (in a good way, of course). Well, I better get to bed. I’ve got class in the morning.


Unknown said...

Hi Dear One,
We've had our computer covered up with scraping the ceiling and painting the living room. I've also begun classes for the new year, so I've been ignoring the computer as much as possible. But now, before we take off for Carpenteria and a few days of real down time, I wanted to take a good look at your adventures. I'm actually sad I didn't do this much sooner : { Live and learn...every day.
What a beautiful site. I had gone on it one other time, and you are doing so well taking us along on the adventure.
I just love it when you take close up pics of nature. God is so amazing and creative...but so much more with people. You're a precious gem and I was so glad to hear about the people you'll get to visit and already know in NC
We're so thankful that you had safe travel, and we love seeing your pictures. I know the stories are unending.
I am praying for your heart and for the missing of things and people and for all the new stuff you're adjusting to, but I bet it helps a lot to be with people of like mind and direction and time of life. It just has to.
I'll let Bob check this out when we get back and the living room gets put aright.
You're such a joy to our heart and we're thanking our God for all you've gone through and all He is planning...because His plans will be to your GOOD and HIS GLORY!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
You're right in the palm of His hand.
Tell about the school part now and some more about the people there .

Our old church always goes to Carp for whole church retreat. The new pastor who is quite wonderful will be the speaker. Bob and I will take in part of the talks and visit with lots of people. Mom and a friend will also be staying with us sort of at Motel 6. We're trying it out because they take dogs.

Jan and Bob

Anonymous said...


Glad you made it safely and you really took some beautiful photographs along the way. George and I enjoy your blog as it keeps us in touch with you. Your journey past, presently and looking into the future, is quite remarkable, we will pray for strength and good health for you along your the way.
Everyone is doing well here, Amy is the soccer mom for Taylors team, and she scored a goal yesterday WOW, Dylan plays also, both teams won, so she is busy on Saturdays. Justin is a Jr. in high school and enjoys school. Dylan has now decided to become a doctor, he carries paper and checks everyone at the house, it is fun to be six and dream. Well your Aunt has to go check on a few pumpkin loads that are delivering today so I had better run. Talk to you another day. We will keep you in our prayers as you continue
to prepare.

Love, Aunt Gail