Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today a friend asked me to come over and help her understand how she can better help a friend of hers that is struggling with being single. Wow!

We talked a little a few days ago, and she showed so much concern, empathy, love, and genuine interest in what I had to say about my experiences as a single woman. She recognized that my marital status doesn’t define who I am, but it does affect every area of my life. And she accepted me as a valuable friend and a healthy and complete individual.

She took the time today to invite me into her life and to glean important truth, so that she can be a better friend. Her love for me and for her friend that is struggling is priceless.

What did I learn from her? I am valued. I am not valued even though I am single. I am valued because I am me. I am even valued because of my singleness. Most of all, I am valued because God made me valuable.


Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!! Got to share with someone special how incredibly proud I am of you. Love you most.

Anonymous said...

I see a pattern, valuable one!
I hope you know that your single status doesn't mean nearly as much to me as your friendship. love,ts

Anonymous said...

You are valuable indeed....... It's great to know your marital status does not define who you are!!! As a blissfully single woman, I enjoyed the post very much :-)