Friday, February 01, 2008


I am taking an other break from packing to show you one of the pictures I found while thinning out my belongings. This was taken at the end of a trip on the bush taxi from Yaounde to Bertoua in 2000. There were 5 of us traveling together, and you could scarcely tell us apart because of all the orange dust that had been deposited on our skin and clothes. Do you know which one I am?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn!

Nope, I'm not sure who you are. Tell.


Jenn said...

At Tara's request, I am the second to the left. Gotta love that orange dust!

Laurel Conrod said...

Wow...I wasn't sure which one was you, but I'm pretty sure Desma is the one in the middle? Ya'll are dirty!

Laurel Conrod said...

Oh, and I think your Cameroon time clock is off behind by one hour (ha, ha, African time?) because I was actually pretty excited to see that it was only 9:30pm...only to realize it's actually 10:30pm. I gotta get to bed.

Laurel Conrod said...

Ok...sorry, 3rd comment..."2nd to the left" Nathan and I are debating what that means. 2nd FROM the left? Or starting on the right side, you are the 2nd one going towards the left? I'm's not you, it's me really.

Jenn said...

um, yeah, I mean second FROM the left. I tried to go back and correct that, but couldn't figure out how:) My clock is wrong! Oh, no!

Jenn said...

um, yeah, I mean second FROM the left. I tried to go back and correct that, but couldn't figure out how:) My clock is wrong! Oh, no!