Saturday, February 17, 2007

Just add Water

It’s been fun to watch the weather change so drastically in the last few weeks. About a month ago we had a very cold snap, as did much of the US. I am not used to freezing weather and was very entertained by the crunchy grass and frozen puddles. When the freeze was over, the fog returned. It remained relatively cold for a few weeks and many began bemoaning the fact that we had not had much rain (water is a valuable commodity in California). So when the rain clouds came, they were a welcome sight. As is the case with rain, it brought with it the dreariness of dark clouds that blotted out the sunlight. So it was another surprise when the sun suddenly came out and started warming everything up. It is almond blossom time in our area, something that I always look forward to, but have seen only once in the last 8 years. I have been anticipating the pink and white blossoms for some time and intend to get my camera out to capture some of them on film. But I didn’t anticipate that they would burst out so quickly and early. Just a few short weeks ago we were experiencing freezing weather and tule fog. Now the air is clear, the sky is blue, and blossoms of all sorts are bursting forth from the trees. Since the change was so dramatic, I have to take a double take. ‘Are those blossoms on that tree, or is that whiteness leftover from the frost?’ It’s as if God just got out a packet of instant spring and just added water.

The approaching spring reminds me of how we grow spiritually. Sometimes we go through dark damp winters and don’t see any growth, but then God adds a little sunlight and water and new growth bursts forth!

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