Sunday, September 07, 2008

Résumé de la première semaine

I'll start off with a big thank you to all of you who are still reading the blog. Thank you also to Jyll who so gently reminded me that it has been a month since my last post.
I just finished my first week of Fall classes here. It is really good to be back. I have some good news. I tested into the advanced class! That means that I will get to learn lots of new stuff, but I will also have lots of work to do!! Pray for a clear head, good memory, a flexible tongue, and the ability to be patient with myself. I was so blessed to be able to stay in Quebec during the summer and spend time with the Néron family. My teacher here at Parole de Vie Béthel noticed a big improvement in the amount of French I was speaking when classes started. And I also gained some very special friends in the process!!!
I've also moved. Last semester I had the blessing of being in the dorm with the French-speaking Bible school students. That helped a lot with my French, and also gave me the opportunity to have a bit of a ministry with the girls. However, the dorm is too full this semester, and I had to move into the mobile home. I am still on campus, and I plan to spend a lot of time with the Bible school students, so keep me in your prayers as I actively seek opportunities to practice my French and minister to the students here. As I type this message, a whole group of Bible school students are in the process of arriving and registering. Pray for the students and staff of both the language school and the Bible school, as this will be a record-breaking year.


Jyll said...

You're welcome Jenn. Thanks for the update. God bless you.

Jacques said...

Bonjour Jennifer,
Plaisant de voir que ton retour a Béthel c'est bien déroulé et que tu es déja de retour a l'étude du français avec beaucoup d'énergie.Bonne session et que notre grand Dieu te garde et te bénisse abondamment.
Take care and God bless you,
Jacques (Girardville Qc.,)