Sunday, September 20, 2009

Of Mice and Feet (warning, this one is kinda gross)

-You are awake.
-I am awake.
-I want to see you.
-Here I am.
-The mice ate my feet at night.
-The mice ate your feet?
-Yes, the mice ate my feet, and it hurts badly.
-You didn’t wake up when the mice were eating your feet?
-I woke up, but they had already eaten my feet.

This is a conversation I had with my neighbor, Sanda, yesterday morning while I was tending the garden. The mice have been a continual problem in his little house. We’ve talked about solutions, including getting a cat, rat poison and traps, but none of these solutions has panned out. Lendo, Sanda’s wife, wakes up when she feels mice on her and throws them to the side. Sanda sleeps much heaver. Unfortunately, Sanda’s feet are currently paying the price. The mice have managed to chew off most of the callous and have reached the thick pad of the sole of his right foot. Though difficult to believe, the bite pattern is certainly consistent with the chewing of a mouse. The thing I don’t understand is why he doesn’t wake up.

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