If you had living water that could cure any ailment, lift away all burdens, and bring true joy, would you not share that water with someone else? Jesus is that living water.
Monday, October 31, 2005
ER Blues
Saturday, October 29, 2005
1 a: religious fervor: piety b: an act of prayer or private worship -- usually used in plural c: a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation
2 a: the act of devoting b: the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal (as to an idea or person)
3 obsolete: the object of one's devotion
I see four different meanings for devotion here.
religious fervor: piety: whether it be allegiance to the one true God or a false god, a commitment to one’s religion is one meaning for devotion.
an act of prayer or private worship: this makes me think of the daily devotions that many Christians have made part of their lives. Sometimes these are with a small group of people or by one’s self, but they are priceless times to sit at God’s feet, learn from Him, worship, and pray.
the act of devoting: I am reminded of Hannah. She devoted Samuel, her long awaited and much loved son to God’s service. This was not an empty dedication, but a real sacrifice as she sent her young son, just after he was weaned, to live in the temple, so far away that she would only see him once a year.
fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal: What I wish for. Such devotion is what God deserves. This is the kind of commitment to God that led Hannah to devote not only her own life to God, but also the child that was so precious to her. This is the sort of selflessness that leads martyrs to give up their lives instead of forsaking Christ. This is real devotion.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
From the highest of heights
To the depths of the sea
Creation’s revealing your majesty
From the colors of Fall
To the fragrance of Spring
Every creature unique
And the song that it sings
All exclaiming…
Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And you know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untamable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God
Who has told every lightning bolt
Where it should go?
Or seen heavenly storehouses
Laden with snow?
Who imagined the sun
And gives source to its light?
Yet conceals it to bring us the
Coolness of night?
None can fathom…
Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And you know them by name
You are amazing, God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart
And you love me the same
You are amazing God
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Songs and Feet
Rejoice with me as I celebrate a new step in the journey of the Baka to Christ!!! I have been amazed at the wondrous work that God is doing on behalf of the Baka through good times and bad, happy moments and sad.
For what seems like a very long time, I have been praying for this little people group who need Christ so desperately. One of the prayers that I have been praying is that God would give them a song to sing. I don’t just mean any old song, but a song of redemption and worship to our King.
I dream of the day that all nations will be gathered to Christ. I cannot imagine how great that day will be, but I bet each tribe will be worshiping our Lord in their own way, their own tongue, and their own song. These songs will blend together in a beautiful orchestra of voices and hearts poured out before God. The Baka will be among that great throng of people, and they will be singing their own song of praise in perfect harmony with the rest who will be gathered that day. The exciting part right now is that we are beginning to see glimpses of what that will look like.
A prayer letter came to me the other day from my friends Barry and Desma, who recently went back to
The best part of the week, however, came on the last evening. Pierre (our Cameroonian friend who is a believer and has dedicated himself to sharing the gospel with the Baka) invited me to prepare some verses and a few words for a meeting with the Baka. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I borrowed a French Bible from Samba. Phil and Reda had left it to him as he is capable of reading a great deal of French. I wasn’t prepared for the beautiful glimpse of things to come.
We began the meeting with a couple of songs that Pierre and the Baka have worked together to write in the Baka style. It was a beautiful sound and I could pick out enough words in Baka to know that they were singing about God’s goodness. Their voices rose as if they were putting all they had into the melodies. There were divided parts as one person after another (Lendo, Mbaka, Samba) would lead certain songs sometimes at
I also shared with them that we were sad that Phil couldn’t be with us, but that we are content that he is now in heaven with the Lord. They replied with the same phrase.
After I finished, they clapped and then sang many other songs. Before the last song, Samba led a prayer. I must remind you that Samba was one of the young men that passed their days on Desma’s porch when she lived here before. Now he is a man with a very large heart. He prayed a long prayer and I was so moved to hear the tone of his voice as he prayed. It sounded familiar even though I couldn’t understand most of the words. Later when
You can imagine my joy at hearing such amazing news. Though I cannot expect that all of the people who were at that little meeting are true believers at this time, it is still so encouraging to see leaders beginning to emerge, leaders who will be used by God to further the Gospel among the Baka and surrounding people groups. The Baka are beginning to hear the melody that God will press onto their hearts, and I dare say, some are humming along already.
This raised a question in my heart about whether I would be of any use in the Baka ministry. After all, it will be a couple of years before I will be able to get to the mission field, and there may be the beginning of a growing and vibrant church among the Baka at that time. But God nudged me a little and showed me how much more work there is to be done. Even after a church is established in this encampment of a couple hundred, there are still 40,000 more Baka souls who need to know His saving grace. I think that there will be some missionary involvement in this task, but I hope that the Baka themselves will see that the joy that they receive in Christ should be shared with their tribesmen who are scattered throughout the rainforest. Romans
(If you are interested in reading the text of Barry and Desma’s prayer letter, see the comment section)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The treasures that I have found in this series of books have been numerous. I could sit here listing them for you, but I think it would be better if you found out for yourself. I hope, if you decide to read it yourself, you will be edified and encouraged by the simple theology that it holds within its pages.
They travel in waves?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Restless until...
Our God, to whom we turn
When weary with illusion,
Whose stars serenely burn
Above this earth's confusion,
Thine is the mighty plan,
The steadfast order sure
In which the world began,
Endures, and shall endure.
Thou art thyself the truth;
Though we who fain would find thee,
Have tried, with thoughts uncouth,
In feeble words to bind thee,
It is because thou art
We're driven to the quest;
Till truth from falsehood part,
Our souls can find no rest.
All beauty speaks of thee:
The mountains and the rivers,
The line of lifted sea,
Where spreading moonlight quivers,
The deep-toned organ blast
That rolls through arches dim
Hints of the music vast
Of thy eternal hymn.
Wherever goodness lurks
We catch thy tones appealing;
Where man for justice works
Thou art thyself revealing;
The blood of man, for man
On friendship's altar spilt,
Betrays the mystic plan
On which thy house is built.
Thou hidden fount of love,
Of peace, and truth, and beauty,
Inspire us from above
With joy and strength for duty.
May thy fresh light arise
Within each clouded heart,
And give us open eyes
To see thee as thou art.
~Edward Grubb, 1925
Let us endure with eyes fixed on our Maker.Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Inconvenient Conveniences
I used to hate it when my mother told me that it was time to hand-wash all of the glasses. You see, we had really hard water, and after a few weeks of running the dishes through the dishwasher, the glasses would get so covered in hard water stains that they were no longer pleasant to drink from. The best answer to that problem was to wash them all by hand to get the white stuff off.
Last night, we ran the dishwasher. When we opened it this evening, the glasses were covered by white grit and bits of dish-grime. We decided to give the convenient little machine a second chance and put the rinse cycle on again. No go. Our next course of action: make sure all of the movable parts inside are, in fact, moving, run the garbage disposal, refill the soap compartment with dishwasher soap, and run the dishwasher again, this time with the optional pre-rinse. Of course, I was doing anything I could at this point to avoid washing the dishes by hand, especially the dishes that had already gone through the dishwasher. Why is it that simple things like washing dishes by hand become so inconvenient when modern conveniences like dishwashers are available? I guess it is just the principle of the thing; why have a dishwasher if it does not do its job?
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I got a phone message from my dad this morning. He told me that he loves me, and that he wants to go get Korean barbeque for dinner with me. Of course, we won’t be able to go get dinner together this evening, but it was so precious to hear that my daddy loves me and wants to spend time with me. I love you Dad.
The phone message from my earthly father made me think of how much our heavenly father loves us. He wants to spend time with us, to show us His love, to share Himself with us. God’s daddy-love is a pursuing love, a love that will not give up, a love that gives us worth and meaning. His love for us is so great that He would allow Jesus to die, so that He could bring us near to Him. I love you Abba.
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom