de•vo•tion: noun
1 a: religious fervor: piety b: an act of prayer or private worship -- usually used in plural c: a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation
2 a: the act of devoting b: the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal (as to an idea or person)
3 obsolete: the object of one's devotion
I see four different meanings for devotion here.
religious fervor: piety: whether it be allegiance to the one true God or a false god, a commitment to one’s religion is one meaning for devotion.
an act of prayer or private worship: this makes me think of the daily devotions that many Christians have made part of their lives. Sometimes these are with a small group of people or by one’s self, but they are priceless times to sit at God’s feet, learn from Him, worship, and pray.
the act of devoting: I am reminded of Hannah. She devoted Samuel, her long awaited and much loved son to God’s service. This was not an empty dedication, but a real sacrifice as she sent her young son, just after he was weaned, to live in the temple, so far away that she would only see him once a year.
fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal: What I wish for. Such devotion is what God deserves. This is the kind of commitment to God that led Hannah to devote not only her own life to God, but also the child that was so precious to her. This is the sort of selflessness that leads martyrs to give up their lives instead of forsaking Christ. This is real devotion.
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