Monday, November 14, 2005

Wasting Time

Sometimes I feel as if I waste so much time on silly, unimportant things, like television or surfing the internet. It's as if I know in the very core of my being that I was created for something so much more fulfilling and important. It takes me a while to realize that the one most important thing is my relationship with the creator of this universe, who, strangely enough, wants to spend time with me. Anselm, a eleventh century philosopher and theologion, said it well.

Up now, slight man! Flee for a little while thy occupations; hide thyself for a time from thy disturbing thoughts. Cast aside now thy burdensome cares, and put away thy toilsome business. Yield room for some little time to God, and rest for a little time in Him. Enter the inner chamber of thy mind; shut out all thoughts save that of God and such as can aid thee in seeking Him. Speak now, my whole heart! Speak now to God, saying, I seek Thy face; Thy face, Lord. Will I seek.


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