Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Saved a Turtle

Mom, this one's for you.
The other day, when I and a couple friends were on our way home from a grocery trip, I spotted a little box turtle attempting to cross the road. Cars were straddling it as they sped by, and it was quite apparent that it was in eminent danger. So, I flipped a U-turn and headed back to save it. The cute little bugger just sucked in all his legs and peered out to see why this car was going so much slower than the others. Karen jumped out, picked him up, and deposited him on the other side of the road. I am sure he was grateful:) It's a good thing that Karen was the one who actually got out of the car, since I might have been tempted to keep him.


Katherine Voigt said...

Yeah, Karen nicely put the turtle on the side it was aimed for...I would have just put him on the closer side...back where he had come from.

Anonymous said...

Good job. Love you most