Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dali and Debora after recovering from measles

Debora was named after the Israelite judge who lead a battle against Sisera at mount Tabor. Her father Nestor named her Debora because he wants her to be a godly leader of her people. Her mother, Dali, struggled for several years to get pregnant after contracting tuberculosis. The disease had weakened her body and caused scar tissue that made it difficult for her to conceive. She was devastated to have two miscarriages, but through it all, she trusted God saying, “God will help me.” We were all overjoyed when we learned she was pregnant. She continued to trust God through the pregnancy, refusing traditional medicine. Debora was born in May, in the middle of the night, during a raging storm to some very grateful parents. Recently both Dali and Debora contracted measles. Both mom and baby were very ill. Debora developed pneumonia and nearly died, but God was gracious and allowed her to live. We are praising God for Debora's birth and her recovery from measles and pneumonia. I'm waiting to see what God will do with Debora. Pray that God would use her mightily, as he did her biblical namesake.

Ateba (right bottom) enjoying a "tea party" with Annabella, Nu and Yuma

Ateba is 6 years old. He is a sweet introvert who desperately desires to be loved. He has tuberculosis, and he lost his mother to TB last year. His father abandoned him in our camp for several months. He was sick and lonely, but he benefited from the love we and others were able to share with him. I started him on treatment for TB, and he began to improve. Still, he wandered our camp desperate for love and belonging. Finally, his father came to get him, causing him to stop TB treatment prematurely. I pray three things for Ateba: that his father would take his parental responsibility to love and care for Ateba seriously, that he would finish his TB treatment and that he would understand that Jesus loves him and will never abandon him.

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