Monday, December 21, 2015

Tendi with her daughter Nu, taken about 5 years ago
Sometimes crises come at you all at once. This is the case in our little village of Mayos. There have been so many sick and dying over the last couple months. Please be in prayer for those who have lost loved ones. Pray that they would find the comfort that only Christ can bring.
This morning my friend, Tendi, delivered a stillborn child. She is also experiencing some postpartum bleeding. Oh, how her heart must hurt today. Please pray for Tendi, her husband Pajero, and their surviving children. I heard from teammates that Pajero, who has been openly resistant to the Gospel, prayed publicly for his wife today. I ache to see this family trust Christ and live their lives fully surrendered to Him. I long to see their children benefit from the love and care of godly parents. Though the pain that they are suffering right now is unimaginable, I hope that they turn to Jesus in the midst of their crisis.

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