Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Here are a couple more adorable kids in Cameroon.

Jenny with her mom, Ndae, 
just after she got out of the hospital
Jenny was named after me. She lives about a kilometer away from us in a little encampment called Ko-o. Her family used to host weekly meetings sing praise to God and discuss Bible stories, but sadly, The family now spends most of their free time drinking and partying. Several months ago, Jenny fell ill with a respiratory infection. Her extended family was very concerned for her, but her parents didn't seek medical help. Jenny's body was weakened by this illness, but eventually her father came to me for help. I treated the infection, but the prolonged illness coupled with malnutrition and neglect left her vulnerable. The night after Jenny's baby sister was born, Jenny got malaria and started to have seizures. She continued to convulse in spite of medication and lots of prayer. As we prayed over her, I could hear, in the hearts of her father and uncles, a desire to repent of drunkenness and neglect. We took Jenny to a clinic in town where she could receive intravenous medication, and to the surprise of all, she survived. It is my hope that her extended family continues to see their need for repentance and that they serve the Lord faithfully.

Simon with Buttercup the dog

Simon is two years old. His dad, Samedi, and his mom, Pe, are young people who love to serve the Lord. They are leaders in the church, and they often go on ministry trips to share Bible stories with other villages. Simon is blessed to have godly parents.
Simon is smart, charming and adorable. He loves to make people laugh and he gives the best snuggles. He also loves to hang out with his buddy, Buttercup. Pray that God uses Simon mightily to lead many to Christ.

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