Monday, April 16, 2007

Rain Forest Rain

(originally sent 4/10/07)
For the second night in a row, we are having tremendously heavy rain.  

It is the end of dry season here, but rainy season has been slow in coming, so the days have been hot and muggy.  Desma described the last month as sauna month (it's been in the 90's occasionally with very high humidity).  Once the rains are in full force, the temperature will fall a little, it will be a little more bearable, and gardens will no longer need watering.  

But tonight, we are blessed with tremendously heavy rain.  I can occasionally hear the thunder outside over the deafening sound of the downpour hitting the tin roof, and I was forced to close all the windows in the kitchen, because the rain was coming in (we rarely close windows here as we have no air conditioning, and there is need for ventilation). But from the bedroom windows, I can see the flashes of lightning light up the sky, giving a beautiful profile view of the forest trees around us. At times the lightning is so bright that it lights up the yard and the surrounding forest.

The rain is a blessing for another reason also.  When the noise level reaches such a peak, it becomes very easy to tune out what is going on around me and spend some time processing some of the thoughts and feelings that this visit has brought up.  It's also a great time to spend in prayer.  Thank you Lord for the blessing of rain forest rain.

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