Friday, April 25, 2008

Abele Update

I received an email update from my friends a few days ago. Below is what the Abbotts said about their visit with Abele.

"We were able to stop and visit with Abele at prison on our way home. He is thin and hungry but otherwise doing well and in good spirits. It is still uncertain how long he we will remain there. Continue to join us in praying that God will strengthen him and continue to bring him to complete repentance and restoration."

The Conrods also recently updated their blog with a post about Abele. You can find it by clicking here

Praise God that He is preserving Abele during his time in prison. He is truly suffering the consequences of his actions, but God has more than enough grace for Abele and for each one of us. Continue to pray for his protection. Pray also that he would truly understand the depth of God's grace and forgiveness and that he would be able to communicate that same grace and forgiveness to his fellow inmates and to the guards at the prison. Continue to pray also for his children who are without father or mother until Abele is released.

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